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Ronco Electric Pasta Maker

Ronco Electric Pasta Maker

Ronco® electric pasta maker automatically mixes, kneads, and shapes pasta in only five minutes! Ten pasta dies allow you to create a wide variety of popular pasta styles. Also use for sausage, cookies and small bagels. Features large capacity and powerful, quiet motor that shuts off when the lid is opened. 
The Ronco™ Electric Pasta Maker & Sausage Machine is the best-selling pasta machine in the world. With the Ronco Electric Pasta Maker from Ron Popeil, you can make your own pasta from your home. It is both healthy and economical. 

You can make your own pasta from your home.

Prepare your own fresh and delicious pasta in minutes with the Ronco Electric Pasta-Making Machine. 12 pasta dies allow you to make a wide variety of pasta, from angel hair to lasagna. You also receive a sausage horn to make sausage and meatballs for your pasta, as well as small bagel and cookie dies to cover breakfast and dessert foods too. With the Ronco Electric Pasta Maker from Ron Popeil, you can make your own pasta from your home. It is both healthy and economical.

It is quick and easy to use. You’ll have fresh pasta in 5 minutes or less. Just select the shape you want, then add water or juice to any type of flour. The machine automatically mixes and kneads the ingredients and will extrude fresh pasta. It comes with 12 different pasta dies that automatically shape fresh pasta. There are also dies for cookies and small bagels. Right now with this special offer, you’ll also get the Sausage Making Attachment to make fresh sausages with your machine. You’ll also get an assortment of accessories that includes a liquid & dry measuring cup, pasta fork, die pick, sausage horn, an instructional DVD and the Pasta and Sausage Recipe Book.

Ronco Electric Pasta Maker Features

Create hundreds of different types of fresh pasta
Use your own natural and healthy ingredients
Large capacity, lightweight &Dishwasher safe
Automatically mixes, kneads and shapes fresh pasta in 5 minutes
Make all types of homemade sausage for your family

Ronco Electric Pasta Maker Includes

Liquid & Dry measuring cup
Pasta fork, Die Pick, Sausage horn
An instructional DVD and Recipe Book.

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