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Pancake Puff Pan
Now you can make Pancake Puffs from home just like grandma used too. She might have called them German Pancakes, Dutch Baby Pancake, Danish Aebelskiver / Ebelskiver or even Puff Pancakes. They can be filled with apples, meat, cheese, pudding and many other fillings.
Use regular pancake mix or make from scratch, recipes included. The pan makes 7 Puff Pancakes at one time. Simply mix your batter. Place a small amount of oil in each receptacle and cook. If you want filling add it now! Cook until golden brown, lift the edge and check doneness by using the turning stick (included). Take the stick and turn the Pancake Puff over. Using the turning stick, push any edges that are sticking out back in the hole. Cook a few more minutes and remove. Add butter, syrup, chocolate, jelly, powdered sugar of top with mixed fruit. Perfect for breakfast, Makes the perfect mid-afternoon snack. Fill using meats and cheeses for the perfect Hors 'Dourves. Make deserts or appetizers for evening meals.
Comes with:
Cast Iron Pancake Puffs Pan
Flipping Sticks
Bonus: Quick & Easy Recipe Book
Bonus: Extra Flipping Sticks
Bonus: Filling Injector
Bonus: Shaker Container
Bonus: Brush
The Pancake Puff Pan is easy to clean, simply wipe out and reuse. Use with adult supervision.
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