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Grey Away

Grey Away

Grey Away is an instant, permanent powder gel hair colour uniquely formulated without hydrogen peroxide. Grey Away fills a void between semi-permanent and permanent peroxide hair colours.Grey Away Hair Spray This is the Claude Bell Institute’s radical solution against grey hair. With a satisfaction rate of almost 100%, no matter you hair type or degree of greyness. 

GREY AWAY is a revolutionary treatment to make white hair come back to its original color.

Use every morning, between 14 and 28 days, on dry hair and it will will naturally and gradually re-pigment the hair. Afterwards (after 28 days), simply use once a week in order to prevent the root growth of new gray hairs.In fact, hair does not turn grey, but white ! It is an optical illusion caused by the mixture of coloured and white hair. The hair seems greyer and greyer as the percentage of white hair increases.This hair bleaching phenomenon is called canities. Hair grows white when it is no longer pigmented this is because the follicles at the base of the hair shaft cease to produce melanin.

This product’s active ingredient is an extract of the Wasabia japonica plant (part of the Brassicaceae family) which grows naturally along rivers and mountain streams in Japan.The other ingredients are there to stabilize the main ingredient and give GREY AWAY its cosmetic qualities. The active ingredient is soluble and enters the dry hair shaft upon application. Within minutes, a redox reaction occurs; the active agent reacts with the keratin of the hair. It becomes insoluble and gives a dark coloration. After the reaction has occurred, the pigmentation remains stable and sets. The coloration may vary depending on the amount of times the product has been applied.Grey Away has unsurpassed ability to penetrate grey hair.Grey Away does not lighten natural hair colour only deposits colour.After 14 days of treatment, a 46% reduction in grey hairs.After 28 days of treatment, a 83% reduction in grey hairs.
Grey Away Features

No fuss - No mess - No offensive odours
No hydrogen peroxide - No ammonia Grey
Away is effective, easy to use, instant and permanen
Treatment is simple, fast et pleasant.
Grey Away colours instantly and penetrates deeply
A satisfaction rate of nearly 100%.

Grey Away Includes

Grey Away

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